Custom Admissions Roadmaps
At Going Ivy, we know that generic checklists and packaged offerings for “categories” of students don’t work.
Every Going Ivy program is tailored to the unique needs of our students. Unlike many of our large corporate competitors, we don’t believe a one-size-fits-all formula can lead to the highest levels of success with tutoring or college admissions. Every college is looking for unique students to admit, so every admissions program needs to take the time to showcase an applicant’s unique qualities.
At Going Ivy, our expert education consultants have helped students gain admission to the schools that fit them best, including large public research universities, small liberal arts colleges, Ivy League schools and every other dream school. We have worked with National Merit scholars, football players, Eagle Scouts, aspiring film directors, first-generation college students and more. Going Ivy has worked with students applying to four colleges and students who are submitting 20 applications. From students taking the SAT in their freshman year of high school to those submitting applications just before midnight the day they are due, we know that generic checklists and packaged offerings for “categories” of students don’t work.
Tailored Three-Step Approach: Review, Roadmap, Results
Just as there are no shortcuts to gaining admission to the country’s top schools, there are no shortcuts to getting to know students and what will help them succeed in the process of college admissions. The process is tailored to you.
Each customized plan needs to be created from a comprehensive review of your unique skills, needs and interests. We find out your passions and what will motivate you to be your best. Our skilled admissions consultants do this by having real conversations with you. As we are here as another layer of support through the admissions process, it is very helpful to have parents contribute to these conversations. We have questionnaires for parents and students, but it’s usually better to talk.
Next, we prepare a roadmap that identifies the specific steps required to reach your academic goals, whether that includes tutoring in your most challenging high school courses, test prep or admissions counseling. We’ll organize when to take standardized tests, when to start drafting essays, when to approach potential recommenders, and when to apply to colleges.
The work is done as a team, with Going Ivy counselors walking step-by-step with students and parents to achieve the desired results. The truth is, the review part will be continuous as each test is taken or milestone is passed. The results will also be continuous, and you’ll sense a difference taking place in your levels of confidence, motivation and maturity even before applications are submitted.
Timeline of Your Roadmap
The process of applying to college takes at least six months to a year, but the work is happening throughout high school. One key to gaining admission to a top school is starting early. For freshmen and those in the earlier stages of the application process, we help identify your goals and map a long-term strategy for success, including what classes to take and what extracurricular activities to choose.
Going Ivy counselors have studied and experienced what admissions officers are looking for on your transcripts. We also know how to bring out the internal drive from our students to help them commit to their passion—whatever that passion is—in a way that will appeal to colleges. We’ve seen from former students that your passion might just be something you’ll want to declare as your major.
For those students nearing application deadlines, your custom roadmap might include assistance putting together stellar application packets, outlining and editing essays, obtaining letters of recommendation, and identifying and creating strategic letters, statements and documents to include with the applications.
The custom roadmap also includes an evaluation of the following:
– How to select the right courses to appeal to top colleges and grad schools
– What majors are offered at your schools of interest that fit your passions
– How to pick the right extracurricular activities and jobs
– What can you do to make the most of your summers and still call them vacations
– How to prepare for the standardized tests, and when to take them
– Whether to visit a school or how to show a college you’re interested
– How to address any mistakes you’ve made or red-flag issues
– When to apply
Some high school guidance counselors are phenomenal about providing a roadmap to success for their assigned students. This is a wonderful advantage in the college preparedness process, but if you’re looking for that continuous review and service, high school counselors often don’t have the time. Especially over the summer. Some parents are determined to keep their students organized and on task, but the pushback between parent and teenager starts to fracture the relationship. Going Ivy’s step-by-step process works in tandem with your high school plan, your family and your priorities. And we don’t limit our office hours.
Our online portal through Custom College Plan will keep you organized and the roadmap (not to mention a wealth of other information) accessible at all times. We’re available day and night to meet and answer calls, texts and emails 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We’ll meet with you in person or through videoconferencing at your convenience.
Following the roadmap will ensure you’re focused on your high school courses, confident when it’s time to take the standardized tests, writing essays with skill and maturity, in-the-know about top colleges, and prepared when it comes time to apply to your dream schools.
Contact Going Ivy for Your Consultation
Going Ivy offers free, no-obligation consultations for students and families. During your consultation, we will ask you many questions in order to get to know you better and to learn more about your specific goals and unique strengths and attributes. This assists our counselors with developing a holistic, comprehensive plan that is best designed to help you to reach your college goals. To learn more about how we can help you with your college admissions needs, contact us today.
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