SAT Tutoring and Test Prep
With time and hard work, you may see significant improvements in your score.
Taking the SAT and scoring well on it might seem like a daunting task on your path to college. It is important for you to do the best you possibly can on the SAT, and preparation is the key. You should note that all U.S. universities and colleges accept both the ACT and the SAT, so knowing which test is a better fit for you is also important. At Going Ivy, we can conduct an assessment with you to help you determine whether you should take the SAT, the ACT or both.
SAT Prep with the Going Ivy Difference
Going Ivy is a team of educational experts who have attended the top universities in the nation, including Harvard. Our SAT tutors and counselors have taken the SAT and have received terrific scores. We understand how to help you to adequately prepare so that you attain the best score that your individual ability allows. Because we do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach, we work closely together with you one-on-one, learning about your interests, skills, personality and needs. Then, we design a roadmap for your success and work with you every step of the way to help you to gain admission into your dream school. Our students have been accepted into the top-flight schools in the nation, and we know how to help you on your own personal path. After we help you determine which test you should take, we can then prepare you for any and all sections of the SAT or ACT, depending on which one is a better fit for you. Our instruction is individualized—we have seen from experience that a one-size strategy won’t serve you as well.
Preparing for the SAT
Before preparing for the SAT, you’ll want to start by taking a practice test. Even if you took the PSAT, taking a practice actual SAT is important, as is taking the test under the same conditions that you can expect in the actual test room without distractions and with the same time limits on each section. The SAT consists of a reading test, language and writing test, and a math test. There is also an optional essay. In the reading test section, you will be presented with passages, graphics, charts and other types of data. You will need to be able to find the best evidence contained in the source material and synthesize the information. The writing test will also present paragraphs or series of sentences. You will need to be able to find the evidence that supports a given answer or to synthesize information to find the best answer. The math test consists of one section in which you will be able to use a calculator and a second section in which you won’t. The math section contains material mostly from algebra but also some geometry and basic trigonometry.
Many students will have taken the PSAT as a freshman, sophomore or junior, which can yield a predictive score that shows how well you’re likely to score on the actual SAT. This can also help you to identify areas in which you have some weaknesses. After we have identified the areas on which you need additional help, we will then focus on those specific areas to help you raise your score. At the same time, we will also work on sections on which you scored relatively well to help you drive up those scores even higher. Our goal is to help you to achieve the highest score of which you are capable on your SAT.
In addition to regular practice and tutoring sessions to prepare you for the SAT, one of the best ways that you can prepare for the test is by listening in your classes, taking notes, doing your homework and doing well in your classes. You should make certain to ask questions when you have them in your classes and always work hard on learning the material.
The SAT is focused more on your reasoning ability, while the ACT is more time-pressured and focuses more on the actual content that you have learned in your high school courses. The ACT also contains a science subtest whereas the SAT does not. Your individual interests, personality and motivations will be important in determining whether the SAT is the most appropriate test for you. The key is to start early and prepare for the test, focusing on the sections in which you need the most help. With time and hard work, you may see significant improvements in your score. You may need to take the actual SAT more than once. Many schools allow Score Choice, in which you only submit the highest score test that you received with you application, and many schools also Super Score your SATs, taking the highest subscores from any tests you’ve submitted with your application.
The Going Ivy SAT Test Prep Way
At Going Ivy, we understand how important getting top scores on your college admissions tests, including the SAT, is. We will assess your strengths and work on the areas in which you need help. We work to help you gain the internal motivation that you need to do well on your test. By working with you hand-in-hand, we can help you to navigate through the material. Good preparation for the SAT will allow you to better understand what types of questions you might expect while also helping you to increase your speed and ability to digest the material. To learn more about how we can help you to prepare for the SAT as well as how we can assist you with your entire college preparation process, contact us today.
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