Going Ivy Custom College Plan Software
Being able to see everything that needs to be completed along with the dates by which each task needs to be done with one click of a button helps students stay on track.
Going Ivy is proud to offer our students cutting-edge software in order to give them an edge in the college admissions process. Working toward your goal of gaining admission to the college of your choice involves many tasks, and you may feel overwhelmed with trying to keep track of everything that you have to do. The Going Ivy Custom College Plan software offers you the ability to organize everything in one easily navigable dashboard so that you can see what you need to be working on now, what you have coming up and what you have achieved.
Why Our Software Gives Students an Advantage
Gaining admission into the colleges of your dreams involves many steps, and it is easy to get off track without help. Going Ivy offers all of our students access to the Going Ivy Custom College Plan software, which is an industry-leading technology that simplifies the college admissions process. Our students and their families are able to see everything on their individual dashboards and can click through the tabs to see their grades, test scores, suggested colleges and all of the meetings and tasks that they have scheduled. Going Ivy has the top academic and test preparation tutors, admissions counselors, former admissions officers and educational consultants who have helped many students gain admission into elite colleges or wherever students fit best. In addition to having access to our expertise, our software helps you to gain the organizational skills and the feeling of accomplishment with each to-do item you check off that you need to realize your goals.
Key Features of Our Innovative Software
When students enter the Custom College Plan software, they are greeted by a dashboard that contains important tasks and conversations. On the dashboard, students see a to-do list with completion dates for such things as setting up meetings with teachers to ask for letters of recommendation, reminders to register for the upcoming standardized test, drafting the essays for the common application and more. The to-do task list is individualized for each student according to the student’s needs and goals. Being able to see everything that needs to be completed along with the dates by which each task needs to be done with one click can help students to stay on track and to know what they need to do next.
The dashboard also includes a meeting schedule with dates so students can see when they will meet with their Going Ivy tutors and counselors. From the dashboard, students are able to communicate directly via messaging with their Going Ivy counselors and tutors, and they can see their conversation history.
From the dashboard, students can easily navigate between several tabs under which their information is organized. Under the test tab, students can see their standardized test scores for the PSAT, ACT, SAT and subject tests. Since students are able to submit the highest subtest scores from the ACT or SAT for some colleges, being able to see the different individual subtest scores listed according to the testing date can help students to easily select the scores to send to their choice colleges and see what their superscore would be.
Under the colleges tab, students will be able to see the schools that their admissions counselors have suggested as matches for them, a list of the schools to which the students have chosen to submit applications, college reports that have been prepared for them by their Going Ivy team and the upcoming application deadlines for each preferred school. Under the application outline tab, you will be able to see the different application requirements and deadlines for each of your chosen colleges, allowing you to make certain that you submit everything that each school requests on time.
You are able to upload documents under the files tab, including essay outlines, drafts, grades and other items so that your counselors and tutors can review them. There is an emails tab that you can access to see emails that you have received from your Going Ivy team members as well as those you have sent. Finally, the software contains a monthly planning calendar that you can review to see what you need to accomplish each day of every month. All of these features help you to stay organized and motivated as you accomplish the individual tasks that are necessary for you to achieve your college admissions goals.
The Going Ivy Difference: Harnessing the Technology to Help You Succeed
Going Ivy is made up of a team of world-class tutors, counselors, former admissions officers and educational consultants who have attended the most elite colleges in the U.S., including Harvard. We are dedicated to helping every one of our students succeed, and we create individualized college admissions plans to help them gain admission into the schools that are the best fit for them.
In addition to taking a holistic approach to helping our students, we use the latest technology to help them stay organized so they have advantages over other applicants in the college admissions process. With the Going Ivy Custom College Plan software, our students and their families are able to track their progress from anywhere using their mobile devices or computers. Using our technology can help you stay on top of all of the various steps that you need to complete as you work toward your goals, and it helps you to learn the type of organizational skills that will aid you in high school, college and beyond into your adult life and career.
Contact Going Ivy to Learn More
Going Ivy offers no-obligation, free initial consultations so that you can learn more about how we can help you. During our consultations, our counselors ask many questions that help them understand your needs and goals so that they can create your personalized college admissions plan. If you choose to go forward with Going Ivy, we create this plan in our Custom College Plan software platform, allowing you continuous access so that you have the tools available at your fingertips. Contact us today to schedule your consultation so that we can get started working together toward meeting your goals.
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