How to get into the Cornell
Located in Ithaca, New York and founded in 1865, Cornell University is a private university and is part of the Ivy League. Since its founding, the school has focused on educating students who will have positive impacts throughout the world in all fields of study. If you dream of getting accepted to Cornell, you will need to earn the highest possible grades in all of your high school classes and achieve top scores on the SAT or ACT. The university is extremely selective, so you will also need to write compelling essays and participate in quality activities both inside and outside of high school.
Cornell has a total enrollment of 24,027 students, including 15,043 undergraduates, 6,284 graduate students, and 2,700 professional students. The campus has more than 2,000 acres with 608 buildings. Cornell University is ranked at number 17 by U.S. News & World Report’s 2020 Best Colleges and Universities rankings. Ithaca has a population of slightly more than 31,000 residents, and Cornell’s setting is fairly rural. Many notable people graduated from Cornell and have gone on to change the world. Some famous people who attended Cornell include Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Dr. Mae Jemison, Christopher Reeve, E.B. White, and Bill Nye.
The admissions advisors at Going Ivy receive many questions from students who want to attend Cornell University. Want to know how to get into Cornell? We have created a frequently asked questions list below that should help you as you work to accomplish your goal of gaining admission to Cornell University.
What GPA do I need to get into Cornell?
Cornell doesn’t publish the GPAs of entering freshmen on its website, and the College Board similarly doesn’t report any GPA information for admitted Cornell students. However, for the class of 2025, which is the most recent class for which Cornell has published statistical data, the university reports that 84.2% graduated in the top 10% of their high school classes. This indicates that you should try to earn the highest grades possible in all of your courses while taking the most challenging classes available at your high school.
You should work to earn an A in nearly all of the classes that you take in high school. If your school does not weight the GPAs of students, this means that you should strive to achieve a 3.9 to 4.0. If your school does use a weighted GPA system in which more credit is given for AP or IB courses, you should try to earn higher than a 4.0 GPA during high school. It is best to earn top grades in difficult classes. It will not help your application if you earn a 4.0 GPA in high school by taking easier courses.
If you enroll in a class in high school that you are struggling to understand, reach out for help as soon as possible. An academic subject-matter tutor might help you to salvage your grade and to get a higher score. However, you will need to be willing to put in the work that will be required of you. In and of itself, hiring an academic tutor will not guarantee the results that you want without work from you.
What SAT or ACT scores do I need to get into Cornell?
Cornell does not state a preference for the SAT or the ACT. It also does not list the SAT and ACT scores for the most recent entering class on its website. For the entering class of 2025, the school only provides information about the percentage of students who submitted SAT and ACT scores but does not provide data about their scores.
The College Board reports more information about the SAT and ACT scores of admitted students at Cornell. According to the College Board, the students who were admitted earned the following scores at the 25th and 75th percentiles:
- SAT Total at the 25th percentile – 1470
- SAT Total at the 75th percentile – 1550
- SAT Math at the 25th percentile – 750
- SAT Math at the 75th percentile – 800
- SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing at the 25th percentile – 710
- SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing at the 75th percentile – 770
- ACT Composite at the 25th percentile – 33
- ACT Composite at the 75th percentile – 35
To understand what these scores mean, it helps to know that the SAT composite score, which includes both the math and EBRW subsections, is 1600. The maximum score that can be earned on the ACT is 36. When you look at the middle portion of the entering class of 2023 as shown above, you should aim to score toward the higher end of the range instead of the lower end. You can be accepted by Cornell with a score that falls below the range, but it is not very likely. While your test score is only one of the things that are evaluated by the admissions officers, it is important.
While it doesn’t matter which test you choose, some people find that they do better on one over the other. Take a practice test of both the SAT and the ACT to compare how you perform. You should then concentrate your preparations on the test that you achieved a higher score on or the one that you like better.
Both standardized tests contain information that you should have learned during the first two years of high school, but they have some differences. The ACT has four subsections, including mathematics, science reasoning, reading, and English. The SAT has two sections, including math and evidence-based reading and writing. There are also some slight timing differences between the two tests. Taking a practice test of each test can help you get a feel for each test so that you can make a more informed decision.
After you have decided on a test, include regular practice sessions in your schedule. Practice tests are available online, or you can purchase books at your local book store that have practice tests. When you take a practice test, time yourself. Make sure that you take the test without distractions. Score the test, paying careful attention to the questions that you miss. If you see that you tend to miss the same types of questions, schedule time to work on building the information to increase your accuracy rate.
In addition to taking practice ACT and SATs, you should also take the PSAT/NMSQT beginning in your sophomore year. Take practice tests of the PSAT/NMSQT so that you will be ready to take it during your junior year. The PSAT/NMSQT is used to select national merit scholars the pool of high school juniors who take the exam. If you are chosen, you will receive a scholarship and increase the strength of your application to Cornell.
As you practice on the ACT or SAT, increase the frequency of your practice sessions as your test date draws near. If you do not receive the scores that you need on your practice tests, an ACT or SAT tutor might give you some strategies and tips for increasing your score. Because of the importance of your standardized test scores, you should begin practicing with them as early in high school as possible.
When you reach your junior year of high school, you should begin taking the actual test. Sitting for the ACT or SAT early in your junior year will provide you with more opportunities to retake the test and improve your scores.
Cornell does not require students to take the writing section on either the SAT or the ACT. Your scores must be officially reported by the testing companies to Cornell by the school’s application deadline.
Is Cornell Test-Optional?
Cornell suspended its standardized testing requirements for the 2020/2021, 2021/2022, and 2022/2023 admissions cycles. It has also announced that it will be test-optional for the 2023/2024 admissions cycle. It also has several schools that are test-free and will not consider test scores if submitted while multiple others are test-optional. The test-free schools include the following:
- College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- College of Business- School of Hotel Administration
- College of Business – School of Applied Economics and Management
- College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
If you choose to take the ACT or SAT and submit scores while applying to one of the above-listed colleges at Cornell, your scores will not be considered.
If you submit ACT or SAT scores to one of the remaining colleges at Cornell University, your scores will be considered as a part of your application. However, if you opt not to submit scores, your application will not be at a disadvantage.
What classes do I need to take in high school to get into Cornell?
The curriculum that you should follow in high school will depend on which college you plan to apply to at Cornell. Each of the university’s colleges has its own list of high school course requirements. If you plan to pursue a degree in the college of arts and sciences, Cornell wants you to have taken the following classes in high school:
- Four units of English
- Three units of math
- Three units of science
- Three units of one foreign language
If you plan to pursue an engineering degree at Cornell, the school requires you to have taken the following classes in high school:
- At least 16 total units
- Four of the units must be in math
- One of the units must be in physics
- One of the units must be in chemistry
Cornell also recommends that prospective engineering students take the following courses in high school:
- Computer science
- A foreign language
Otherwise, your classes should track the requirements for the school of arts and sciences. If you do not take one of the required units in high school, Cornell asks you to provide a written explanation of why. For example, if you take French during your freshman and sophomore years, but the third year of French is not offered at your high school, you will want to explain that on your application to Cornell.
You are expected to take a rigorous curriculum in high school. The classes that you choose in each subject area should increase in difficulty as you progress through high school. If your school offers AP or IB classes, you should take them instead of taking easier versions of the classes. You can talk to your guidance counselor for help with choosing the right classes to increase your chances of getting admitted to Cornell.
Do I need to take AP courses to get into Cornell?
While you are not required to take AP classes to be admitted to Cornell, you must report your scores if you take the AP exams. Some schools do not offer AP classes. However, if your school does, you should take them. Taking AP classes and performing well in them demonstrates to the admissions officials at Cornell that you are prepared for the more difficult college classes that you will take.
High schools that do not offer AP or IB classes may have contracts with local colleges or universities to offer dual enrollment classes. These are courses that allow you to earn college credit at some schools while you are still in high school. While Cornell does not grant credit for the credit that you earned while you were in high school, taking these classes still demonstrates your preparedness for college. You might also be able to earn advanced placement at Cornell after taking dual enrollment classes by scoring well on a departmental exam after you enroll.
Does Cornell accept AP credit?
Cornell does accept AP credit for advanced placement in the university’s curriculum. However, whether you will receive credits for advanced placement will depend on the tests that you take and the scores that you receive. Cornell encourages students to accept the advanced placement from the credits that they have earned. The school asks that you have your AP scores sent directly to Cornell by using the school’s CEEB code of 2098.
To earn credit at Cornell for your AP exams, you will need to obtain the following scores on the different tests:
- Chemistry – A score of five will earn four credits
- Computer Science A – A score of five will earn four credits
- Economics, micro – A score of four or five will earn you three credits
- Economics, macro – A score of four or five will earn you three credits
- French language – A score of four or five will earn you three credits
- French literature – A score of four or five will earn you three credits
- Italian language – A score of four or five will earn you three credits
- Italian literature – A score of four or five will earn you three credits
- Mathematics BC – A score of four or five will earn you eight credits
- Mathematics AB – A score of four or five will earn you four credits
- Physics I – A score of five will earn you four credits
- Physics II – A score of five will earn you four credits
- Physics C, Mechanics – A score of five will earn you four credits
- Physics C, Electricity/Magnetism – A score of five will earn you four credits
- Psychology – A score of four or five will earn you three credits
- Spanish language – A score of four or five will earn you three credits
- Spanish literature – A score of four or five will earn you three credits
- Statistics other than for engineering students – A score of four or five will earn you four credits
Other AP exams may result in credit as determined by the various colleges at Cornell University. Some AP exams do not provide the opportunity for any credit at Cornell. If you are granted credit for your AP scores, you will be allowed to skip past some of the introductory classes. If you choose to take the classes and forfeit the credit, the grades that you receive in your classes will replace any AP credit you have earned.
Cornell does not grant credit for dual enrollment classes that you take in high school. However, you might be able to earn credit in those subjects by taking departmental exams at Cornell.
Do I need to take SAT subject tests to get into Cornell?
SAT subject tests were discontinued by the College Board in 2021. They are not required or expected when you apply to Cornell.
Does Cornell super score SAT or ACT scores?
Cornell will super score your SAT results by considering the highest scores that you secured on the subtests over multiple test dates. However, it does not super score ACT scores. Instead, the admissions officials will evaluate you based on the highest ACT composite score that you received. The school also participates in the score choice program for the SAT.
What should I write about in my personal statement to get into Cornell?
All freshman applicants are required to submit the questions and essays that are included in either the Cornell Supplement for the Universal College Application or the Cornell Writing Supplement for the Common Application. Different prompts are provided for the different colleges at Cornell, so you will need to respond to the questions that are specific to the college that you would like to attend. On the Cornell Writing Supplement with the Common Application, you must answer the question for the college that you would like to attend in 650 words or fewer. For the Cornell Supplement with the Universal College Application, you will also be asked to write an essay of 650 or fewer words in response to the prompts for the college for which you are applying.
Cornell says that when you write your essay, you should write it with purpose. All of the essay prompts are particular to the individual colleges of Cornell University. You are expected to thoroughly research the college to which you want to apply to understand whether it is a good fit for you.
When you write your essay, you should take the time that you need to think about what to write so that you can provide a thoughtful response. The essay prompts are meant to be used as starting points for your essay. You should write about what is important to you and how you became who you are. The Cornell essays in the supplements should prompt you to explain how you came to decide to apply to the college in which you are interested and to demonstrate why the admissions officials should want you to become a part of the Cornell community. Your essay is a place through which you can allow the story of you to come through, bringing your application alive.
You should look at the Cornell Supplement or the Cornell Writing Supplement as soon as they are released online for the year in which you apply. Since your essay is an integral part of your application, starting early on it is advisable. Begin writing your essay as soon as possible. After you have written your first draft, have someone else read it critically for you. This person should be someone like an English teacher or admissions advisor and not a friend or parent. Take the critique that you receive and continue working on your essay. Write as many drafts as you need until your essay is the best that it can be. After you have finished writing your essay and have completed the remainder of your application, make certain to carefully proofread everything. It is never a good idea to submit an application and essay that contain typographical errors, spelling mistakes, or grammar problems. Walk away from everything for a few hours and then come back to proofread with fresh eyes.
While Cornell says it is okay to use the same essay that you use for other schools, it is best to write tailored essays for each school to which you are applying. When you tailor your essay for Cornell, it will be easier for the admissions officials to understand why you belong at the university.
Never ask someone else to write the essay response for you. If you do, this is a violation of Cornell’s policies and could result in an offer of admission being rescinded if you are discovered. Sometimes, parents write essays for their teens. However, people of older generations use phrasing and word choices that are different than what teenagers tend to use. The admissions officials at Cornell University receive tens of thousands of applications each year, and they can easily spot when students submit essays that other people have written.
How selective is Cornell?
Cornell University is very selective. For the entering class of 2023, the school received 49,114 applications. Out of those, it accepted 5,330 for an admissions rate of 10.9%. Out of the applicants, 6,150 applied through Cornell’s early decision process. Of those who applied by early decision, 1,397 were admitted for an early decision admissions rate of 22.7%. There were 42,956 applicants through the regular decision process, and 3,933 were admitted for a regular decision admissions rate of 9.16%. By comparing the differences between the admissions rates for students applying through the early decision versus the regular decision processes, it is clear that students who apply through the early decision process stand a better chance of being admitted to Cornell University.
Gaining admission to Cornell is not easy. If you have a goal of enrolling at Cornell, you will want to begin working to reach your goal as soon as possible. Excel in all of your high school classes, and put in the time that you need to obtain the highest score possible on the ACT or SAT. Write the most compelling essay that you can, and take advantage of the available opportunities in your high school and your community. While most of the applicants to Cornell are well-qualified, tens of thousands are denied. If you are denied, the hard work that you have dedicated toward achieving your goal of attending Cornell will likely pay off and allow you to gain admission to a different school of your choice.
What extracurricular activities do I need to get into Cornell?
When you are applying to Cornell, the extracurricular activities and community activities in which you have participated are important. Some high school students believe that they must be involved in many different types of extracurricular activities to be admitted to Cornell. However, the quality of your participation is far more important than the number of extracurriculars that you are involved in during high school.
When evaluating applicants, Cornell says that it wants to see how the students have involved themselves in extracurriculars, their communities, their jobs, and leadership roles. When you are choosing your extracurriculars, it is a good idea for you to choose a couple of clubs that appeal to your interests and talents. Run for leadership positions in your clubs, and sign up for competitions.
Your involvement in your community is also important. If you have a cause that you are concerned about, get involved in it. If you work during high school to help support your family, talk about that. Cornell wants to see your character and the types of contributions that you might make if you are selected for admission.
Athletics participation in high school will unlikely enhance your application unless you are extraordinarily talented in your sport. If you have placed at the state or national level, you might get the attention of some of the athletics teams at Cornell. You will still need to have a high GPA and top standardized test scores. While you are still in high school, make sure to work just as hard in your classes as you do on your sport.
What enrichment opportunities will help me get into Cornell?
Cornell University offers several enrichment programs that allow students to participate in classes on its Ithaca campus. If you are accepted to one of these programs, your participation might demonstrate your interest in attending Cornell. Some of the enrichment opportunities include the following:
- Cornell SCE Precollege Studies
- Cornell Pre-College Outreach
The Cornell SCE Precollege Studies program offers more than 40 intensive academic programs for high school students on the campus during the summer months. If you are selected for this program, you can spend your summer living on the Cornell Campus while you attend classes with undergraduate students. The courses that you take will be granted Cornell University credit and will be taught by faculty from Cornell. The credits can be transferred to another institution or Cornell University if you matriculate there.
The Precollege Studies program accepts applications on a rolling basis and is open to rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors. If you will graduate in May before the start of the summer program, you are not eligible to attend. Admissions to the Precollege Studies program is competitive. However, it can allow you to earn college credit at Cornell University and to explore the campus.
Cornell Pre-college Outreach includes three programs that are geared toward helping students from disadvantaged backgrounds in school districts that are close to the campus. These programs include Upward Bound, the Science & Technology Entry Program, and Early College Awareness.
Upward Bound is a federally funded program that is available to students from low-income backgrounds and those from families in which neither parent has a Bachelor’s degree. It helps students from area school districts to keep on track during high school and to prepare for college.
The STEP program is available to students from low-income schools in Ithaca, including
Dewitt and Boynton Middle Schools, the Lehman Alternative Community School, and Ithaca High School. This program offers college and academic counseling and helps with preparing for college for students who are interested in pursuing future careers in STEM fields.
Early College Awareness is a program designed to encourage students to be excited about attending college. The program takes students through a college application process and ends with a major day, during which students can explore different college majors.
If you are unable to participate in the Cornell SCE Precollege Studies program and do not qualify for the school’s outreach programs, you should explore enrichment opportunities in the area in which you live. Look for opportunities that allow you to conduct research. Take part in academic competitions. Check with area universities and colleges for more information about the programs that they offer.
Who should I ask to write my Cornell letters of recommendation?
Cornell requires first-year applicants to submit a guidance counselor recommendation and two teacher evaluations. When you choose the teachers who will write evaluations for you, you should choose teachers who know you well and who have taught you in more difficult subjects. Pick teachers who have taught you during your junior and senior years in rigorous classes. The teachers should be able to talk about your strongest personal attributes and explain why you would be a good fit for Cornell University. Make sure to tell your guidance counselor and the teachers that you choose well in advance that you plan to apply to Cornell and want them to write letters on your behalf.
You don’t need to submit letters from other people beyond the required teacher evaluations and the guidance counselor’s recommendation. It will not help your chances of gaining admission to Cornell to submit additional letters from prominent people who have not been involved in your education.
Does Cornell require an interview?
Cornell requires interviews for first-year applicants to the College of Architecture, Art, & Planning’s architecture program. It encourages applicants to the art department to have formal interviews, but it does not require them. Cornell offers admissions interviews to applicants to the School of Hotel Administration.
Cornell does not offer or require formal interviews for applicants to any of the other undergraduate programs. It does offer applicants the opportunity to meet with alumni ambassadors from Cornell, but these meetings will not be formal interviews.
If you are applying to the architecture program, you will be interviewed. You might also be interviewed if you apply to the art department or the School of Hotel Administration. Architecture interviews may be scheduled on campus or with an alum near to where you live. If you are applying to this school, you must request an interview. If you are not applying to any of these undergraduate programs, you will not be interviewed.
What does Cornell look for in students?
Cornell wants to find students who fit the philosophy and culture of the university. The admissions officers evaluate applicants on the following criteria:
- Intellectual potential
- Character
- Involvement
- Reasons why you chose Cornell
Cornell wants to see that you have stretched yourself by taking the highest-level courses that are available to you in high school. They also want to see that you have a good character that reflects your initiative, honesty, open-mindedness, and empathy, which should be reflected in your recommendation letters and your essays.
For your involvement, Cornell will review your extracurriculars, jobs, and community activities to see evidence that you have developed your special interests and talents. Finally, they will want to see the reasons why you want to attend Cornell.
Will visiting Cornell help me get in?
Visiting Cornell University might offer indirect help to you for your chances of admission. When you visit the campus, it can help you to decide whether the school is the right one for you. Cornell is a large school. Some students prefer the experience of attending smaller schools and might learn by visiting Cornell that it might not be the right choice after all. Visiting the school demonstrates your interest in the school and allows you to meet people in the admissions office.
Cornell offers visits during specific times of the year. You can attend an information session, visit a class, or take a tour led by a Cornell student. You can schedule your visit online.
If you cannot travel to Cornell, the school offers recruitment events and information sessions at locations around the country. You can view the list of events and choose one that is close to you. Cornell also offers multiple visit alternatives that can help you to get to know the university better.
Does Cornell accept the Common Application?
Cornell uses the Common Application and the Universal College Application. It asks that you do not mix and match portions of these applications or apply using both. You should take a look at each of these applications when they become available and choose the one that you are more comfortable with. Do not forget to submit the Cornell Supplement or the Cornell Writing Supplement with their corresponding applications.
While these applications are free, you will need to pay Cornell University’s application fee when you submit your application. However, if paying the fee would create a hardship for your family, you can request a fee waiver.
What are Cornell’s application deadlines?
The application deadlines at Cornell depend on whether you choose to apply by early or regular decision. The deadlines for the early decision program include the following:
- Nov. 1 – All application materials must be submitted
- Nov. 1 – Deadline for international students’ financial aid applications
- Nov. 21 – Deadline for U.S. students’ financial aid applications
- Mid-December – Admissions decisions and financial aid awards are released
If you plan to apply by regular decision, the following deadlines will apply:
- Jan. 2 – All application materials must be submitted
- Jan. 2 – Deadline for international students’ financial aid applications
- Feb. 15 – Deadline for U.S. students’ financial aid applications
- Early April – Admissions decisions and financial aid awards announced
- May 1 – Deadline to respond to an admissions offer
You will also need to check the website for the deadlines for interviews and portfolios if you are applying to the hotel management program, the art program, or the architecture program.
When you apply to Cornell, you should choose the process that fits you and your situation. Cornell offers two processes, including the early decision process and the regular decision process. If you already have top grades, have secured an excellent score on the ACT or SAT, and are certain that Cornell is your first-choice school, the Early Decision program might be a good choice. This program has a higher rate of admission than the regular decision program. However, it may not be a good choice if you need an extra semester to improve your grades or test scores. It might also not be a good choice if you will need time to review the financial aid awards you receive from different schools to make your decision. If you apply via the early decision program and are accepted, you will be required to withdraw your applications to other schools and will be expected to enroll at Cornell.
If your early decision application is denied or deferred, you can apply to other schools through their regular decision programs. If your early decision application is deferred, this means that it will be evaluated in comparison to the applications the university receives during the regular decision process, and you will receive notice of your acceptance or denial in early April. You will then have to respond to an admissions offer by May 1.
What can I do now to increase my chances of getting into Cornell?
To increase your chances of being admitted to Cornell, the steps to take will depend on how near your application date might be. It is best if you are still several years away from your application date, but starting late will not be fatal to your chances as long as you have already amassed a record of excellence during high school.
If you are in your first year of high school, make sure to take challenging courses and work to achieve As in all of them. Talk to your guidance counselor for help with choosing the most rigorous classes that are available to you at this level, and explain to him or her that your goal is to be admitted to Cornell University.
Take the PreACT and PSAT to get an idea of how the ACT and the SAT work. While your scores on these tests may not accurately reflect the scores that you will eventually receive, these tests can let you identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can work to improve in your weaker areas while you build on your strengths.
Create a written plan with actionable steps to reach your goals. Your plan should have intermediate goals for each year that you want to accomplish to reach your ultimate goal of gaining admission to Cornell. Each intermediate goal should be further broken down into discrete steps. For example, you might have a goal to achieve As in all of your classes during your freshman year of high school. You can then break this goal down for each class, and include steps for studying a certain number of hours per week. As you accomplish each step, write it down. Having a goal plan can keep you on track and let you review it to see how much you have accomplished as you have progressed through high school.
Use a planner or schedule throughout high school. Write down all of your due dates for different assignments, and schedule specific times to study. Using a planner or schedule can help you to develop strong time management skills, which can help you in high school, college, and throughout your life.
Apply yourself in every class. If you have trouble in a course, reach out for help as early in the semester as possible. Hiring an academic tutor for help with a subject that you are struggling with might allow you to salvage your grade.
If you are a high school sophomore, you still have plenty of time. Hopefully, you have already secured As in all of your classes during your freshman year. Work hard to get the best grades possible in all of your classes, create a goal plan, and use a planner or schedule. Take the PSAT and PreACT if you haven’t already to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Retain an academic tutor if you are struggling in a class. Continue talking to your guidance counselor to make sure that you are choosing the most rigorous classes available to you. If you do not score as well as you would like on the PreACT or PSAT, it might be a good idea to hire a test preparation tutor. Take practice ACT or SATs to decide which test you will take beginning in your junior year.
When your junior year arrives, it is time to start taking the standardized test of your choice in earnest. Take the ACT or SAT for the first time early in your junior year so that you will have as many opportunities as possible to retake it and to improve your scores. Schedule plenty of practice sessions, and identify the types of questions that give you the most trouble. A test preparation tutor can provide you with information and strategies for how to approach the questions that give you problems. You will need to continue earning top grades in your classes while taking the most rigorous courses that are available.
If you are a high school senior, decide whether to apply to Cornell by the early decision or regular decision process. Take a look at the Common and Universal College Applications as soon as they are available. Start working on your essays, and tell your guidance counselor and the two teachers who will evaluate you of your intention to apply to Cornell. Make sure to continue taking the most rigorous classes that you can, and keep your grades up. If you allow your grades to slip, your chances of admission will drop.
Make sure to meet all of Cornell’s deadlines. After everything has been submitted, enjoy your senior year.
No matter your grade level, your character is important. If you earn a top GPA and strong test scores, they will not be enough to get you into Cornell by themselves. Cornell wants students who demonstrate that they have good characters. Be honest with others and treat people with kindness. Volunteer in your community, and avoid posting negative things on social media.
How do I apply to Cornell?
Whether you plan to apply to Cornell through the early decision or regular decision processes, you should review the applications for Cornell when they become available in August. Choose the application with which you are more comfortable. Look at the Cornell Writing Supplement or the Cornell Supplement, and begin working on your essays. Starting your essays early will give you much more time to hone what you write.
Pick the teachers to evaluate you, and tell them and your guidance counselor that you want to apply to Cornell so that they have plenty of time to write letters on your behalf.
Follow Cornell’s application checklist, and make sure to check the application requirements for the school to which you want to apply.
Make sure to mind the deadlines and begin early. Your application will be better if you are not rushed.
When you are finished with your application, submit it before the deadline for your application process. Pay Cornell’s application fee, or submit a fee waiver request.
Ask your guidance counselor to send a midyear report of your grades. Have your high school send an official transcript to Cornell, and ask the testing company to send your scores directly to Cornell. Make certain to keep working hard during your senior year to get excellent grades.
Cornell University is an elite school that many students want to attend. Because of its selectivity, being admitted to Cornell University is not easy. You will need to work hard during every year of high school to improve your chances of admission when it is time to apply. Even if your application is denied, your hard work will likely pay off when you apply to other colleges or universities on your list.
Going Ivy is a leading college admissions consulting company that has helped numerous students to achieve their goals of gaining admission to Dartmouth as well as to other schools in the Ivy League. This page has been provided to help you understand how to get into Cornell. To find out if Going Ivy can help you to achieve your college dreams, call today for a free consultation.

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