How to get into Dartmouth
Dartmouth College is located in Hanover, New Hampshire and has a rural setting. It was founded in 1769 and is the ninth-oldest college or university in the U.S. Dartmouth is the smallest college of the Ivy League with an undergraduate enrollment of 4,459 students. It is one of the Ivy League schools and is among the most selective schools in the nation. Students who want to be admitted to Dartmouth should prepare throughout high school. To gain admission, you will need to achieve a top GPA, top standardized test scores, and excel both in and out of high school. Your application will need to be compelling and demonstrate to the admissions officials that you will fit the college’s community and will make important contributions to the school and the world in the future.
Hanover is a town of a little more than 11,000 people. It is located approximately 130 miles from Boston, Massachusetts. Dartmouth is an ideal choice if you want to attend an elite research institution and prefer more rural settings over urban locations. Many notable people graduated from Dartmouth, including Theodore Geisel, Kirsten Gillibrand, Robert Frost, and Fred Rogers.
The admissions advisors at Going Ivy receive many questions from students who wish to attend Dartmouth College. Want to know how to get into Dartmouth? To provide you with more information about the school and its admissions process, we have provided answers to some of the most frequently asked questions that we have received below.
What GPA do I need to get into Dartmouth?
Dartmouth is among the most selective universities in the U.S., which means you must try to earn the highest possible grades in every class you take in high school. You should also do so while taking the most difficult classes your high school offers.
Dartmouth doesn’t publish information about the high school GPAs of its enrolled and admitted students. However, it does report the following information on its 2023-20244 Common Data Set for the admitted and enrolled class of 2028:
- 93.5% of admitted and enrolled students were in the top 10% of their high school classes
- 98.4% were in the top quarter of their high school classes
- 99.4% were in the top half of their high school classes
To be competitive with your application, you’ll need to earn as close to an unweighted high school GPA of 4.0 as possible.
Getting As in most or all of your classes in high school is important. Aim to achieve at least a 3.9 on an unweighted 4.0 GPA scale. If your school weights GPAs based on taking AP or IB classes, take those classes and strive to achieve As in them together with a GPA of 4.1 or higher. Earning As in the most rigorous classes offered by your high school will look much better than achieving a perfect GPA by taking easier classes at your school.
Most students struggle in one subject area. If you are having trouble understanding the material in one of your classes, do not wait to get help. If you try to do it without help, you risk getting a poor grade and hurting your GPA. An academic tutor who focuses on the subject that you are struggling with might help you to grasp the material so that you can get the grade that you want. For example, if you are having trouble understanding chemistry, getting a chemistry tutor might help you to understand the subject matter so that you can earn a better grade. However, hiring a tutor will not be enough for you to earn a great grade by itself. You will also need to follow his or her recommendations and do the work that he or she suggests. Teachers are often willing to stay after school to help students who ask for help. If your teacher is amenable to this, don’t hesitate to ask.
What SAT or ACT scores do I need to get into Dartmouth?
Dartmouth hasn’t reported SAT or ACT scores for its admitted classes since the 2021-2022 admissions cycle. This is because the school has followed a test-optional policy since that time. It published no SAT or ACT scores on its website or its Common Data Set. However, the school will reactivate its standardized testing requirement beginning with the class of 2029.
However, since the school is highly selective, you must strive to achieve the highest scores you can on either the SAT or ACT. Start by taking ACT and SAT pretests early in high school to see how you perform on each test. Practice with the test you did better on. Begin taking your chosen test during your junior year to have more chances to study and secure the scores you need.
- SAT EBRW average score – 733
- SAT EBRW median score – 750
- SAT EBRW 25th percentile – 710
- SAT EBRW 75th percentile – 770
- SAT Math average score – 750
- SAT Math median score – 770
- SAT Math 25th percentile – 730
- SAT Math 75th percentile – 790
- ACT average score – 33
- ACT 25th percentile – 32
- ACT 75th percentile – 35
Using the results from the Class of 2024 as a benchmark, you should aim to achieve the highest scores possible to strengthen your application.
On the SAT, the maximum total score that can be achieved is 1600. On the ACT, the maximum composite score that can be achieved is 36. When you look at the scores reported by Dartmouth for the entering class of 2023, it is clear that you will need to secure a very high score in the SAT or ACT if you want to be admitted to Dartmouth. While there is no score cutoff, it will be much more difficult to gain admission to Dartmouth with lower scores.
Dartmouth accepts scores from either test and does not have a preference about which test you take. You should take an ACT and an SAT practice test to see whether one works better for you. Some students do better on either the ACT or the SAT. If you take practice tests and see that you score better on one over the other, choose that test and continue practicing with it.
While the ACT and SAT both test students on the types of information that they have learned in high school, the tests have some important differences that might affect your choice. The ACT includes four sections, including math, science, reading, and English. The SAT includes four sections as well, including reading, writing and language, math with a calculator, and math without a calculator. While the ACT includes a science section and the SAT does not, there are science-type questions included in some of the sections of the SAT. There are also some timing differences between the two tests. For example, the SAT gives you 65 minutes to answer 52 questions on the reading test. The ACT gives you 35 minutes to answer 40 questions in its reading section. In general, the ACT gives students less time to answer each question than the SAT. Taking practice tests can help you to determine which test might be a better choice for you.
You should practice the test that you choose regularly and increase the frequency of your practice sessions the closer you get to your test date. Practice tests are available online from the test companies. You can also purchase test preparation books at major bookstores or from the ACT or The College Board. When you take practice tests, time yourself and complete them in a room without distractions. Score your tests and pay attention to the questions that you miss, including their types. This can help you to identify what you need to work on the most so that you can improve your scores.
If you find that your scores are not close to where they need to be to get into Dartmouth, you might want to hire a test prep tutor. A tutor might give you insight into the types of problems that you tend to miss and provide you with some strategies for taking the tests. You should also begin preparing for your ACT or SAT as early as possible because doing so can provide you with more time to work on improving your scores.
Start taking the actual ACT or SAT at the beginning of your junior year. By this time, you should have learned most of what is included on these tests. By taking your test early in your junior year, you will have more chances to retake it if your scores need improvement. If you achieve a great score the first time that you take your test, you will have a crucial part of your application out of the way early so that you will have more time to concentrate on other tasks.
You should also take the PSAT/NMSQT, which is a test that is used to select national merit scholars from the pool of juniors who take it. If you are selected as a national merit scholar or finalist, it will look great on your application. If you are chosen as a national merit scholar, you will also receive a modest scholarship. Dartmouth also recommends that you take two SAT subject tests in addition to the ACT or SAT.
Is Dartmouth Test-Optional?
Dartmouth is ending its test-optional policy. The school states on its website that students applying for admission in the fall of 2025 will need to submit SAT or ACT scores. Dartmouth decided to reinstitute its standardized testing requirement because researchers found that standardized test scores were among the most reliable indicators that students would do well with Dartmouth’s curriculum.
This means you’ll need to get the highest possible scores you can before applying to Dartmouth this fall. If you plan to apply in a later admissions cycle, you should plan to take and submit ACT or SAT scores and begin practicing so that you can achieve top scores on your chosen test.
What classes do I need to take in high school to get into Dartmouth?
Dartmouth states that it expects applicants to take the most difficult classes available at their high schools. The school expects students who are in U.S. high schools to take a curriculum of five different subject areas through their senior years. The school has a recommended list of courses for students who are interested in pursuing science, technology, engineering, or math degrees, including the following:
- Four years of English, including writing-intensive literature courses
- Four years of math, including calculus for STEM students
- At least three years of history and social studies
- At least three years of laboratory sciences with four years recommended for students who are interested in engineering, including physics
- At least three years of one foreign language, but four years is preferred
The admissions officials should see that you have progressed through a curriculum of increasing difficulty throughout high school. If your school offers IB or AP classes, choose those over easier versions of the same courses. Talk to your guidance counselor for help with choosing the most difficult curriculum available at your high school, and strive to achieve high scores in every class.
If your school does not offer all of the classes that are recommended by Dartmouth, consider taking evening or summer classes at your local university or college to make up for what is missing. For example, some high schools only offer two years of a foreign language. If this is true for you, consider taking additional courses in your chosen foreign language at your local college or university.
Do I need to take AP courses to get into Dartmouth?
Dartmouth expects students to take the most difficult curriculum that is available to them. This means that if your high school offers AP classes, you should take them. AP classes are not required, however. If you do take AP classes and score well in both the classes and on the AP exams, your application will be stronger. Achieving As in several AP courses and scoring a four or five on the AP exams can demonstrate that you are ready for college coursework.
Some high schools in the U.S. do not offer IB or AP classes, and others offer very few AP classes. If you do not have AP or IB classes available to you, your chances of admission will not be harmed. Instead, you should talk to your guidance counselor for help with selecting the most rigorous curriculum that is available. If your school offers dual credit or dual enrollment courses through a local college, take those classes. This can show that you are prepared for college even if your school does not offer AP courses.
Does Dartmouth accept AP credit?
Dartmouth does grant credit on entrance for AP exams or IB exams. This credit will be reflected on your transcript and will be used for placement purposes for more advanced classes and for exempting you from introductory courses in many subject areas. However, the credits that you earn as a credit on entrance from exams will not reduce the total number of credits that you need to graduate by taking courses at Dartmouth, which is 35.
Under Dartmouth’s policy, you can earn nine pre-matriculation credits, which includes any transfer and AP or IB credits. However, the registrar may approve more pre-matriculation credits on a case-by-case basis. You can see an example of how the credit on entrance credits are applied at Dartmouth here.
If you have taken college classes while you were in high school, they may or may not be transferable. In general, classes that you have taken online or through a community college will not be accepted for credit. Courses that you completed at a four-year university may be transferable, but they will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to ensure that they meet Dartmouth’s standards. You can receive a maximum of four transfer credits for qualifying university-level courses.
Do I need to take SAT subject tests to get into Dartmouth?
Taking SAT subject tests for Dartmouth is recommended but not required. However, it is important to follow the school’s recommendation to take two subject tests. Dartmouth recommends that you take two tests in subjects that you enjoy. Dartmouth says that you are welcome to submit more than two subject test scores, but it will only consider the tests on which you score the highest. You should choose to take SAT subject tests in your interest areas or the subject that you think you might want to major in. For example, if you plan to major in math, taking and submitting the SAT Math 2 subject test might highlight your academic skills in this topic area. If you do not take SAT subject tests, the school will still evaluate your application.
Does Dartmouth super score SAT or ACT scores?
Dartmouth says that if you submit multiple SAT scores, it will consider the highest score that you obtain on each section, even if those scores come from different testing dates. For the ACT, it will consider the highest composite score that you achieve, but it will not super score the ACT subsections. Dartmouth does accept Score Choice, which is an option with the SAT that allows you to submit only your highest individual SAT result. This means that if you take the ACT or SAT several times, you can choose to submit only the test date results when you achieved your highest SAT score. However, if you scored higher on a section on different test dates, it might make more sense to submit all of your scores so that you can benefit from the super score that Dartmouth calculates for the SAT.
What should I write about in my personal statement to get into Dartmouth?
Dartmouth requires students to write a personal essay by responding to one of the prompts within the Common Application. It also requires applicants to respond to two short essay prompts in the Dartmouth supplement. The Common Application is released each year on Aug. 1, so you should check the essay prompts and the prompts in the Dartmouth supplement as soon as possible after they are available.
The prompts change each year. On the Dartmouth writing supplement, you will be asked to respond to one essay prompt in 100 words or less and to choose from a list of prompts to respond to in 250 to 300 words. Reviewing the prompts as early as possible can give you more time to write your essays and to carefully proofread them.
There isn’t a single formula for what to include in your essays. However, Dartmouth states that you should use your essays to explain something about yourself that is not conveyed in a resume. You should not use your essays to discuss what you have accomplished because it should not be a recitation of your resume. Instead, discuss things that are important to you and help to explain who you are. The admissions officials carefully read the essays to try to get an idea of who you are and why you might be a good fit for the school.
By looking at the essay prompts as soon as they are available, you will have more time to write and revise your essays until they are as compelling as possible. You should expect to write multiple drafts of your essays. When you complete your initial drafts, ask an English teacher to review them critically, and be willing to follow the suggestions that you are given. Continue writing and rewriting until you shine through your application. Your essays allow you to come alive through the application materials so that the admissions officials will be able to visualize the contributions that you might make to the school’s community and beyond. Choose an English teacher to review your essays instead of a parent. Remember that your parents are biased for you and might not give you a sufficiently critical review.
Proofread everything that you have written carefully once you are satisfied with your essays. You never should submit an application to Dartmouth that contains answers and essays with grammatical errors. Your essays need to use perfect grammar and showcase your excellent writing skills and ability to think deeply.
It is also important for you to understand that you should never submit an essay that someone else wrote. The parents of some applicants write their children’s essays for them, and others might hire essay writers online. If you do this, it is a violation of the ethics code at Dartmouth that could result in an automatic denial of your application. The admissions officers at Dartmouth review thousands of applications every year and are skilled at spotting essays that have been written by people other than the applicants. Your essay should tell the unique story of you and be written in your voice.
How selective is Dartmouth?
Dartmouth is highly selective. For the entering class of 2023, the school received 23,650 applications. Out of those, Dartmouth accepted 1,875 for an overall acceptance rate of 7.9%. The College Board reports that 2,474 people applied through the early decision process. Out of those applicants, 574 were admitted. This means that the acceptance rate for early decision applicants was significantly higher at 23.2%.
Reviewing the admissions statistics demonstrates how hard it is to be admitted to Dartmouth. You should begin preparing to apply to Dartmouth as early in your high school journey as possible. To get into Dartmouth, you will need to get top grades in the most difficult courses at your high school and obtain very high scores on your standardized tests. You will also want to participate in activities that allow you to develop your talents and interests to show the school that you are extraordinary. In short, if you want to be admitted to Dartmouth, you will have to work very hard during all four years of high school.
What extracurricular activities do I need to get into Dartmouth?
Many high school students have heard that colleges and universities look for students who are well-rounded and take this to mean that they should sign up for a large number of extracurricular activities in high school. While this might be true for public universities and colleges, it is not true for elite colleges, including Dartmouth. You should concentrate your participation in extracurricular activities in a few that allow you to develop your interests and talents.
The admissions officials at Dartmouth want to see that you have excelled in your extracurriculars. Your application will be stronger if you have added something of value to your clubs and activities and if you have placed at the state or national level in competitions. If you have simply signed up for many extracurricular activities and have had only average participation in them, your extracurriculars will not weigh heavily in your favor. However, if you have started a club or have won a national competition in your area of interest, your application will be stronger.
Dartmouth also wants to see that you have been involved in your community and have held roles that demonstrate your responsibility and leadership. For example, if you have worked a part-time job to help your family or have taken care of younger siblings, this demonstrates that your family is important to you and that you are responsible. If you have started a community organization and have worked to support a cause that you believe in, that will also look great on your application.
Sports are a popular extracurricular activity during high school. If you are among the top athletes in your sport in the state or country, you might be recruited by Dartmouth. However, your grades will still need to be excellent, and you will need to achieve top test scores. Do not think that you can rely on your athleticism alone to get into Dartmouth.
What enrichment opportunities will help me get into Dartmouth?
Unlike most other elite colleges, Dartmouth does not offer a list of summer enrichment programs for high school students that cost several thousand dollars. Instead, it offers a single program called Dartmouth Bound, which is free. Transportation to and from Dartmouth is also provided for free to accepted applicants to the program.
Participation in Dartmouth Bound is competitive, and you must be from an underrepresented community or have an underrepresented background to be accepted. During your stay, you will meet with admissions officers and financial aid officials who will walk you step-by-step through the college application process. You will also gain some tips and insight into how applications are evaluated. Only rising high school seniors are eligible for this program. You will stay in the dorms on campus and will attend classes that are conducted by members of the Dartmouth faculty.
If you are not eligible or are not accepted to Dartmouth Bound, there are plenty of other enrichment opportunities that you can take advantage of in your local community. Talk to area universities and colleges about the programs that they offer. Participating in an intensive program in your academic interest area can show your dedication.
Who should I ask to write my Dartmouth letters of recommendation?
Dartmouth requires undergraduate applicants submit one guidance counselor recommendation and two teacher recommendations. It also strongly recommends that applicants submit a peer recommendation. You are also allowed to submit an additional recommendation under the “other recommender” section. If you will be submitting an art supplement with your application, Dartmouth asks that you have your art instructor submit a recommendation under the “other recommender” section.
Dartmouth asks that you choose two teachers from your junior or senior year in academic subjects who can tell the school what you are like in the classroom. You should choose teachers who teach different academic subjects and who are very familiar with your academic performance and potential. Give the teachers you choose plenty of advance notice that you plan to apply to Dartmouth and want them to submit evaluations. Your guidance counselor will need to submit an evaluation of you on the school report form.
A peer recommendation is strongly recommended by Dartmouth. You are not supposed to choose someone who supervises you in any capacity for this recommendation. Instead, you should choose someone who you consider to be a peer. Some examples might include a friend, classmate, or sibling. This person will write a letter explaining why Dartmouth should consider your application and accept you. The peer recommendation is meant to give the admissions officials a picture of you from a different perspective than those of your teachers and guidance counselor.
Does Dartmouth require an interview?
When you apply to Dartmouth, an interview will be optional. The interviews are conducted by Dartmouth alumni. You cannot call to request an interview. After you apply, your contact information will be sent to alumni interviewers in your area. If you apply by the early decision process, the alumni interviews are normally conducted in November. If you apply through the regular decision process, the alumni interviews are conducted between early December and the middle of February. On-campus interviews are not available.
If you are chosen for an interview, the interviewer will contact you at the email that you provided in your application. Make certain to check your email frequently so that you do not miss this email. Promptly respond to an interview invitation. Your interview will be scheduled at a public place in your area or by video through an online interviewing platform.
Dartmouth’s interviews are evaluative, which makes it important for you to make a good impression on your interviewer. When your interview date arrives, dress appropriately. You do not need to wear formal clothing, but you should make certain that your clothing and appearance are neat and clean. Make sure to arrive early to your interview’s location. You can bring a resume with you, but it is not required.
Preparing for your interview is crucial. Talk to other people who have been interviewed by Dartmouth alumni or research the types of questions you might be asked online. You should prepare a list of questions to ask your interviewer. This will allow your interviewer to assess your values and the things that you think are important. After your interview, the interviewer will write an interview report and submit it to Dartmouth. The admissions officials will consider the interview report together with the other materials in your application.
If you are not contacted for an interview, don’t worry about it. There are not enough alumni in some areas of the country and around the world to conduct interviews with all of the applicants. Your chances of being admitted to Dartmouth will not be hurt by a lack of an interview.
What does Dartmouth look for in students?
Dartmouth says that it considers the whole person rather than the individual parts of an application. The admissions officials want to find applicants who will bring something unique to the school. If you review the school’s values page, you can gain a little more insight into the qualities that Dartmouth looks for in applicants. Some of the qualities that it lists there include the following:
- Academic excellence
- Independent thinking
- Ability to work with a team
- Appreciation of diversity
- Ability to discuss and appreciate divergent views
- Sense of responsibility to others and the world
To gain acceptance to Dartmouth, you will need to demonstrate your values and your passion for learning. You will also need to have a good character to gain admission to this school.
Will visiting Dartmouth help me get in?
Dartmouth states that it does not track visits or attendance at information sessions. However, the school does state that visiting Dartmouth is encouraged because it might give you a better sense of whether the school is the right choice for you. Visiting Dartmouth might have an indirect impact on your application by allowing you to interact with admissions officers and students who can then potentially put your face with your name.
You can choose to attend an information session with a campus tour, an engineering tour, and a class visit. Registration is strongly recommended for your chosen visitation events. You can also participate in a virtual tour if you are unable to visit in person.
Does Dartmouth accept the Common Application?
Dartmouth requires all undergraduate applicants to use the Common Application. You can find and complete this application online. Make sure to select Dartmouth on the “my colleges” list. You will also need to complete the Dartmouth supplement together with your application. The Common Application and the Dartmouth supplement are available each year beginning on Aug. 1, so you should review the materials as soon as they are released.
It doesn’t cost anything to use the Common Application. When you submit the application, you will either need to pay Dartmouth’s application fee of $80 or request a fee waiver. Fee waivers are available to applicants whose families would face unusual financial hardships if they had to pay the fee. If you request a waiver, it will not hurt your chances of gaining admission. Dartmouth’s application review process for undergraduate, U.S. applicants is need-blind.
What are Dartmouth’s application deadlines?
There are several deadlines that you need to be aware of when you plan to apply to Dartmouth. The deadlines depend on whether you choose to apply through the early decision or regular decision process. If you plan to use the early decision process, the following deadlines will apply:
- Nov. 1 – Deadline for early decision application
- Nov. 1 – Deadline for financial aid application
- Nov. 1 – Application fee or fee waiver due
- Early November – Final testing date
- Mid-November – Response to optional interview invitation
- Late November – Submit first-quarter grades
- Mid-December – Early decision and tentative financial aid notifications released
- Late December – Deadline for intent to enroll
- January to February – Mid-year report due
- January to February – Early decision deferred applicants should submit updates
- April 1 – Early decision deferred applicants notified
- May 1 – Admitted early decision deferred applicants must make their enrollment decisions
- June – Final school report and transcript due
- June – Deadline to request a gap year
If you plan to use the regular decision process, the following deadlines will apply:
- December – Final testing date
- Jan. 2 – Application deadline
- Jan. 2 – Application fee or fee waiver due
- January to February – Mid-year school report due
- Feb. 1 – Financial aid application deadline
- April 1 – Notification of admission decision
- April 1 – Notification of financial aid award
- May 1 – Deadline for intent to enroll
- June – Transcript and final school report due
- June 1 – Deadline for gap year request
Picking the right application process is important. The early decision process at Dartmouth allows applicants to receive decisions on their applications much earlier than the regular decision process. Dartmouth also allows students to apply to other schools at the same time. However, if you do apply elsewhere, you must comply with the other school’s rules for their application processes. Most Ivy League schools do not allow concurrent early decision applications, so you should keep that in mind.
If you apply to Dartmouth through the early decision process, you will be required to withdraw any other applications that you have submitted. You will also be required to enroll at Dartmouth. However, the enrollment requirement will only apply if your financial aid package is sufficient as compared to offers from other schools.
Early decision is a good choice if you have already earned a top score on your ACT or SAT and have excellent grades. You should also only choose this process if you are certain that Dartmouth is your top choice. If you need to boost your grades during your fall semester, retake the ACT or SAT to secure higher scores, or are unsure if you want to attend Dartmouth, the regular decision process will be a better choice for you. A higher percentage of early decision applicants are admitted, but Dartmouth states that the figure is artificially inflated because already recruited Division 1 athletes are included in the percentage of early decision admits.
If you apply to Dartmouth through the early decision process, your application might be accepted, deferred, or denied in December. If your application is deferred, the school will make its decision about your application and notify you by the regular decision notification date of April 1. If your application is denied, apply to other schools on your list.
What can I do now to increase my chances of getting into Dartmouth?
The actions that you should take now to increase your chances of being admitted by Dartmouth will depend on where you are in your high school career. If you are already a high school junior or senior, you will not have much time to take steps to increase your chances. Hopefully, you have already secured a high GPA and a great score on any standardized test that you have taken. If you haven’t taken a standardized test, you will need to complete that and work to achieve the best score possible. You should also resist the urge to take easier classes during your senior year or to allow your grades
If you are currently a high school freshman or sophomore, you will have a lot more time to prepare yourself and to increase your admissions chances. High school freshmen should talk to their guidance counselors and make certain that they are enrolled in the most rigorous courses that are available to them. If you have trouble in a class, get help from your teacher or an academic tutor early to protect your grade. Strive to earn an A in every class.
Freshmen and sophomores should take the PreACT and the PSAT/NMSQT to get a feel for what the ACT and the SAT are like. These tests can help you to figure out your strengths and weaknesses and allow you to concentrate on improving in the areas in which you are weaker. This can help to prepare you for when you take the actual ACT or SAT.
Regardless of what grade you are in, you should create a plan with incremental steps to reach your goals. Including incremental steps can help you to see where you are at and what you need to do next. Write semester and annual goals with discrete steps to reach them. A plan can also allow you to look back later to see everything that you have accomplished.
You should also use an online schedule or calendar that you can access on your smartphone such as Google Calendar. Enter every assignment due date and other activities into your calendar. Plan times to study and for test preparation. Developing a habit of using a calendar during high school can help you to improve your time management and organizational skills. These skills will help you throughout high school, college, and life.
Sophomores should continue taking the most difficult classes that they can and working to earn As in them. Take the PSAT/NMSQT and the PreACT if you have not done so. Begin practicing on the ACT or SAT, and hire a test prep tutor if you need to improve your scores.
As a junior, you should sit for the PSAT/NMSQT in the early fall. If you score highly on the test, you might be selected as a national merit scholar, which will look great on your application. You should also start taking the ACT or SAT during your junior year so that you will have more time to retake them if your scores are not where they need to be. Make sure to practice on your test more frequently as your test dates draw near.
If you will be a senior in the fall, determine whether to apply to Dartmouth through the early or regular decision process. Look at the Common Application and the Dartmouth supplement as soon as they are released on Aug. 1. Start writing your essays, and tell the people who you want to recommend you so that they have plenty of time to write letters on your behalf. Keep your grades up, and make certain that you follow all of the application deadlines.
How do I apply to Dartmouth?
Whether you plan to apply to Dartmouth through the early or regular decision process, make certain to look at the Common Application and the Dartmouth supplement on Aug. 1. Decide which application process to use, and begin writing your personal essay and your short essays. Starting to write early will give you more time to hone your essays.
Choose the teacher and peer recommenders and ask them to write recommendations for you. You should also tell your guidance counselor that you plan to apply to Dartmouth and need him or her to recommend you and complete the school report. Letting your recommenders know early will give them more time to write strong recommendations for you.
Fill out the Common Application and the financial aid applications. Make sure to submit them by the deadline for the process that you are using. Pay the application fee, or ask for a fee waiver. Ask your school to send Dartmouth a report of your quarter grades during the fall if you are applying through early decision. Ask your school to send the mid-year report after you complete your first semester. Ask for your SAT or ACT scores to be sent to Dartmouth by the testing companies.
Being admitted to Dartmouth is not easy and will require dedication and hard work throughout high school. If you are admitted to Dartmouth, you will join the ranks of many notable scholars and other people who have attended this elite school. If you apply and are denied, you should not feel bad about yourself. Most people who apply to Dartmouth are denied. You should simply apply to some of the other schools on your list, and your hard work will likely pay off for you on your other applications.
Going Ivy is a leading college admissions consulting company that has helped numerous students to achieve their goals of gaining admission to Dartmouth as well as to other schools in the Ivy League. This page has been provided to help you understand how to get into Dartmouth. To find out if Going Ivy can help you to achieve your college dreams, call today for a free consultation.

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