Results Not Guaranteed
Going Ivy makes no guarantees, warranties or representations about results, including but not limited to any party’s: (i) gaining admission to any school or educational institution; (ii) performance on any test or exam; (iii) performance in any particular class; and/or (iv) potential success in any area based on the use of recommended techniques. Going Ivy expressly waives any express or implied warranties.
Past Success, Success Rates and Previous Results Are Not Predictive
Past results are not indicative or predictive of future results or outcomes. This includes but is not limited to the following:
- Past successes in Going Ivy clients being admitted to top-choice schools.
- Historic success rates.
- Past successes in Going Ivy clients improving grades.
- Past successes in Going Ivy clients improving test scores.
- Past successes in Going Ivy clients securing scholarships or financial aid.
Historic success rates are for informational purposes only.
Every student and client is different, and results hinge on the unique factors in a particular matter.
All Academic Responsibility Rests with Client
The responsibility for gaining admission to an educational institution rests solely with the client. In this regard, client’s sole responsibilities include but are not limited to: (i) complying with all school and/or school application requirements; (ii) knowing the content of, registering for, and taking any and all required exams; (iii) submitting any and all required documents to schools; (iv) complying with all deadlines, including but not limited application and test deadlines; (v) timely obtaining recommendations; and/or (iv) identifying which studying techniques, writing techniques, writing styles, etc., work best for the Client.
All responsibility for securing grades or participating in standardized tests rests with the client. Client is solely responsible for understanding all applicable deadlines and requirements for all academic, testing or scholastic efforts.
Going Ivy Not Responsible Even In Event of Mistake
Neither Going Ivy nor its members, owners, managers, employees, independent contractors or affiliates are in any way responsible if client, client’s child or client’s affiliate does not gain admission to an educational institution or achieved desired performance in any class or on any test, even if the result of an error, omission or mistake on the part of Going Ivy or its members, owners, manager, employees, independent contractors or affiliates.
Independent Contractors
Going Ivy may utilize independent contractors who are not our employees.
This Website is Not Advice
The information contained in this website has been prepared for informational purposes only and is not academic, legal or any other type of advice. It is provided only as general information that may or may not reflect the most current standards in the educational, testing or academic world.
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©Going Ivy LLC is the owner of the copyright in this web site. You may not copy, download, store, transmit, or otherwise make electronic or paper copies of this site, or any portion thereof, without express permission of Going Ivy LLC. All other rights reserved.
For questions email: admin@goingivy.com