SAT Subject Tests in Phoenix, AZ
The SAT subject tests can provide you with a way to showcase your strengths to admissions committees.
If you dream about getting admitted into a highly selective college such as those of the Ivy League, you should plan to take some SAT subject tests. These tests allow you to showcase your skills in a variety of different topics, and most elite colleges require that you take at least two or three. In order to do well on these tests, you will need to prepare. An expert SAT subject test tutor at Going Ivy can help you to score the best that you can so that you have a stronger application.
How Going Ivy Can Help with SAT Subject Test Tutoring
Graduates of Xavier and Brophy Prep, the team at Going Ivy are also graduates of the top institutions in the U.S., including Harvard. We help students throughout Phoenix with their tutoring and college preparation needs. Our SAT subject test tutors are experts in their specific fields. Some of our tutors are among the top scholars in their respective areas in the country and are top communicators, allowing them to present information to you in a way that is understandable and easy to retain. We are able to help you with all of the SAT subject tests, including:
- Math level 1 and Math level 2 subject tests
- Biology E/M subject test
- Chemistry subject test
- Physics subject test
- English literature subject test
- U.S. history and world history subject tests
- Spanish subject test
- Spanish with listening subject test
- French subject test
- French with listening subject test
- Chinese with listening subject test
- Italian subject test
- German subject test
- German with listening subject test
- Modern Hebrew subject test
- Latin subject test
- Japanese with listening subject test
- Korean with listening subject test
Our tutors are vested in you and will work hard to help you to achieve your personal best.
Why SAT Subject Test Tutoring is Important
Many institutions, including the most selective schools, require, take into consideration or recommend that applicants take SAT subject tests. Additionally, taking and scoring well on SAT subject tests may help your application stand out or be used to place you in more advanced classes after you are enrolled. These tests can provide you with a way to showcase your strengths to admissions committees.
Your scores on the subject tests that you take are important. You should try to get a score that is numerically equivalent to the score that you receive on the SAT or ACT. It is also important that you understand which tests to take based on your intended interest if you must declare as an applicant. For example, the most elite institutions may not view your taking and passing the level one math subject test as especially good. If you are able to instead take and pass the level two math subject test with a good score, that will carry substantially more weight with selective schools. Your SAT subject test tutor can help you to choose which tests to take and then work to help you prepare for them. While not all of the subject tests will directly relate to your standardized admissions tests, tutoring in certain tests such as the math tests may help you to enjoy corresponding score increases on the math sections of the SAT or ACT. The College Board reports that students who take the SAT subject tests score an average of 100 points higher on their SAT, demonstrating how helpful these tests can be.
Why Going Ivy is Different
While many national chains offer tutoring services, and there are numerous books for SAT subject test preparation on the market, choosing Going Ivy for help with preparing for your subject tests may make a large difference in the scores that you ultimately earn. Going Ivy has world-class tutors and uses a results-driven and industry-leading approach. We have learned that students simply do better when they have the benefit of one-on-one instruction, and we tailor your learning plan according to your style of learning, your strengths and your needs. Our tutors are top scholars in their fields and some are current students at such schools as Harvard, Princeton and Stanford. Our focus is on helping you to tap into your own internal motivation while our tutors work to push you toward reaching your goals.
Our tutors understand how extremely busy college-bound high school students are. We are flexible and are able to meet with you at your convenience at a location near your school or your home. You can also choose to come to one of our Phoenix headquarters or to receive your instruction from one of our tutors who is attending an elite college by video conferencing, which also allows you to see what life is like on an Ivy League campus.
Contact Going Ivy Today
Call Going Ivy to schedule your consultation so that you can learn more about how we can help you to prepare for your SAT subject tests. Our tutors are dedicated to their students and are very invested in their success. We will work hand-in-hand with you to develop a lesson plan that may help you to achieve the highest scores possible on your chosen subject tests. Our consultations are free, and you are under no obligation to choose us for tutoring just because you have a consultation. During your appointment, we will ask you a number of questions that are meant to elicit information that helps us to understand your needs and goals as well as your strengths and learning style. If you choose to receive tutoring help from Going Ivy, we will use this information to design a comprehensive plan for you. Call us today to learn more.
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